Grand Valley Trail Crew Job Announcements
COPMOBA, Mesa County, and Western Colorado Conservation Corp are pleased to announce job openings for leadership and members of the Grand Valley Trail Crew.
Trail Crew Job Openings
The Western Colorado Conservation Corps Trail Crew Leader and Crew are seasonal positions responsible for overseeing trail maintenance duties in Mesa County. Projects will include technical rock work, revegetation, erosion control, tread construction, social trail closures, vegetation management, and other responsibilities as assigned. The Trail Crew Leader and Crew will work with the Mesa County Trails Coordinator, WCCC staff, the Grand Valley Chapter of the Colorado Plateau Mountain Bike Trail Association (COPMOBA), Bureau of Land Management, US Forest Service, local municipal staff, volunteers, and members of the public.
trail building tools used by the Grand Valley Trail Crew
Trail Crew Work
The Grand Valley is a world-class mountain biking destination with some of the most iconic singletrack trails in the world. The Valley sees visitors from around the world exploring, enjoying, and challenging themselves on the trail systems at 18 Road, Kokopelli, the Lunch Loops, the Grand Mesa, and in 2021, the Palisade Plunge. Maintaining the quality of these trails is a high priority and COPMOBA and the Grand Valley Canyons Chapter are pleased to have a dedicated trail crew helping support volunteer trail maintenance efforts.
The Trail Crew will work on all non-motorized trails throughout Mesa County, including the three main BLM managed trail systems in the Grand Valley. 2021 work will include Forest Service managed trails at higher elevations during the summer months. Office and shop is based in Grand Junction, CO.
Interested parties should download the attached position descriptions for details on compensation, hours, duties, required skills, and how to apply.
The Western Colorado Conservation Corps of Partners is an equal opportunity employer. This program is available to all without regard to race, color, national origin, disability, age, sex, political affiliation, or religion.