Founded in 1989, the Colorado Plateau Mountain Bike Trail Association is a nonprofit organization dedicated to building, maintaining, and advocating for sustainable singletrack trails in the Colorado Plateau region of western Colorado. COPMOBA is governed by an appointed board of directors from local communities in western Colorado and is funded by individual and business membership fees, donations, and grants. We have four chapters that work with members and volunteers in cooperation with various land agencies to build and maintain singletrack trails in western Colorado.
A Brief History of COPMOBA Accomplishments
Built, developed, mapped and opened 138 mile Kokopelli’s Trail
Developed Kokopelli’s first loop – Marys Loop
Built, developed, mapped and opened 142 mile Tabeguache Trail. (Montrose-GJ)
Developed Kokopelli’s second loop – Lions Loop
Organized western Colorado’s first ”fall colors” mountain bike tour – Tour de Gold
Initiated annual maintenance of singletrack on the Uncompahgre Plateau
Began cooperation with the BLM to maintain many ”local favorite” trails in Grand Junction
Provided mountain bike use information for the Grand Mesa Travel Plan Revision
Published Montrose’s first mountain bike trail map
Developed and mapped Kokopelli area Troybuilt Loop
Developed, mapped and opened 100 mile Paradox Trail, completing the final link of the region’s Grand Loop of mountain biking
Built and mapped Horsethief Bench Trail
Represented mountain biker’s interests in the BLM’s Bangs Canyon Group that recommended management for the popular Bangs Canyon, Little Park, and Lunch Loop areas near Grand Junction
Represented mountain bikers interests during the Uncompahgre National Forest Travel Plan revision – strongly supporting the preservation of single track.
Continued a mountain bike tour tradition with the Tour de Bloom on Kokopelli’s Trail
Built Moore Fun Trail
1999 – 2000
Key Participant in the Grand Valley Bike Summit
Sponsored the Grand Valley’s first IMBA Trail Care Crew visit
Sponsored the first IMBA Trail Building School in the region
Built Mack Ridge Trail
Spearheaded the construction of the Dry Creek bridge along Tabeguache Trail
Rustlers Loop construction started
Opposed the closure of Pollock Bench Trail
Mack Ridge Trail extension completed
Built Curt’s Lane Trail
Rustler’s Loop opened
Participated in North Fruita Desert and Colorado Canyons NCA planning processes
Sponsored the second IMBA Trail Care Crew visit
Completed improvements on Eagle’s Tail in Lunch Loop trail system
Organized the first Wild West End Tour along the Paradox Trail
Participated in Gunnison Gorge NCA planning process
Built the Holy Cross re-route to prevent permanent closure of the trail
Sent 10 members to a Volunteers of Colorado trail building course to train trail crew leaders
Started a Trail Adoption Program for the mtb trails in the northern district of the Uncompahgre Plateau
Worked with the City of Grand Junction to protect Curt’s Lane trail at the lunch loop area from a private development proposal
Built stage one of the Flowing Park Trail
Completed a major 32 mile re-route of the Paradox Trail
Organized the first annual Dry Creek Canyon Challenge event
Helped build stage one of the Pet-e-Kes Trail
Increased communication of COPMOBA news and events with the new COPMOBA e-newsletter
Continued work on Flowing Park Trail
Endorsed preservation efforts for roadless areas
Developed policy to address potential impacts on trails by oil and gas exploration, and by private land development
Spearheaded development of the Free Lunch trail in Grand Junction: the first officially sanctioned, purpose built freeride trail on BLM lands
Participated in the Ridgway, Dry Creek, and Bangs Canyon trail development processes
Worked with BLM and Ridgway State Park to get initial Scope of Work for RAT funded
Completed Wrangler Trail at the Kokopelli Loops
Celebrated the 20th year of building, maintaining, and riding awesome trails on the western slope
Inducted into the Mountain Bike Hall of Fame
Completed Flowing Park Trail on the Grand Mesa
Participated in the BLM Recreation Management Process for the Grand Junction recreation area
Worked with Hilltop Experiential learning program to build Kid’s Meal at the Lunch Loop/Tabeguache Trailhead
Moore Fun re-route
Construction support for Sidewinder Trail in the Gunnison Gorge NCA
Worked with BLM to plan, design, and obtain access for Palisade Rim Trail
Voted “Volunteer Organization of the Year” – Colorado Bureau of Land Management
Recipient The Take Pride in America National Award
Recipient of an REI $10,000 grant to start the Lunch Loop Bike Park
Completed the Lunch Loop Bike Park
Started work on the Mesa Top Trail - a connector from Hwy 65 to Flowing Park
Held the first COPMOBA Bike Swap fundraiser
Created trailhead tear-off maps for both Kokopelli and the Lunch Loop
Supported Moab trail supporters by leading construction of Pipe Dream Trail
Planned and constructed Gateway Canyons trail network
Uncompahgre Chapter began work on the Buzzard Gulch Trail System on BLM land near Montrose
Completed Down Uppity in North Fruita Desert
Zippety Cutoff, MoJoe’s, and PBR planning (NEPA) efforts begun in North Fruita Desert
Completion of Dennis Weaver trail in Ridgway
Palisade Rim Trail lower Loop completed
Work with GJ BLM on DeBeque trail area planning
Begin work with GJ BLM & motorized partners to establish the Grand Valley Trail Alliance
Completed Mack Ridge Connector trail
Started COPMOBA/RAT Chapter in Ridgway: RAT built 2.5 miles of new trail adjacent to Weaver park
Started Grand Valley Canyons Chapter in the Grand Valley
Completed PBR and Zippety Cutoff in the North Fruita Desert
Collaborated with Mesa Land Trust and the City of Grand Junction to help purchase the Three Sisters Property
Started building trails on the Three Sisters property
Uncompahgre Chapter performed major cleanup of old dump site at Buzzard Gulch
Establish GVTA with BLM through hiring of first Executive Director for new organization
Create and implement “Sales for Trails” 1% contribution fundraising plan
Background work begins for Palisade Plunge
Uncompahgre Chapter started working with the City of Montrose to create a trail development plan for the Cerro Summit recreation area
Uncompahgre Chapter completed Rusty Buckets, and Broken Antler trails on the Buzzard Gulch Trail system
Complete Sarlacc trail in North Fruita Desert
Completed Three Sisters area trails in Lunch Loop; Hop, Skip and Jump, Yes n Dee Dee, and Big Sister
Palisade Rim Trail upper loop completed
Completed MoJoe in the North Fruita Desert
Completed Vulture Rim Trail on Buzzard Gulch Trail System
Spring Canyon Connector trails laid out
Cerro Summit - 2 miles of trail completed
Mesa Top Trail on Grand Mesa completed
Time Machine Trail at Lunch Loop completed
Paradox Trail signage refreshed, and studies completed for re-route around private land
Create and implement “Sales for Trails” 1% contribution fundraising plan
Ridgway Area Trails (RAT) network construction at 6 miles completed
Delta and ‘West End’ volunteers express interest in forming independent chapters
GVC chapter works closely with GJ BLM on revisions of Grand Junction Field Office Resource Management Plan revision - public outreach critical
Delta DAMB chapter established
Smith Mountain Trail system proposal in Gunnison Gorge NCA reviewed
Curts Lane UP, Curts Lane Down completed
Nor’Easter Trail Completed at Lunch Loop
Completed Cerro Summit Trails project
Colorado Parks & Wildlife construction grant application submitted for RAT system build-out
20 year anniversary of Paradox Trail event
DAMB chapter initiates discussion with CPW & BLM regarding trail planning within the Dominguez-Escalante NCA
Palisade Plunge Trail project designated to Governors “16 in 2016” trail program
Colorado Parks and Wildlife awards RAT a Large Trail Construction Grant to RAT/COPMOBA. The funds are sufficient to complete construction of all unfinished trail elements (8.5 miles) of the BLM component of the RAT system
West End chapter is formed - formalizing the small group of persistent volunteers in the area as a chapter
West End area Burn Canyon trail system construction started
Lunch Loop area Book-Ends Short Track and Short & Cranky hand-crank cycle courses completed
DAMB supports Gunnison Gorge NCA Travel Management Plan revision actions
DAMB supports North Fork area efforts with BLM to formalize Jumbo Mountain social trail network
RAT chapter purchases tool trailer and tools for chapter use
First Smith Mountain Bash event takes place
Colorado Parks & Wildlife construction grant received for RAT system build-out
COPMOBA comments upon the Human Powered Travel In Wilderness proposal
Paradox Trail re-route work initiated
Montrose-Uncompahgre Chapter (MUT) works closely with Uncompahgre Field Office (UFO) BLM on revisions of UFO Field Office Resource Management Plan revision - public outreach critical
MUT chapter applies for Colorado Parks & Wildlife “Uncompahgre Singletrack” planning grant for regional trails planning
Members attend Volunteer Outdoors Colorado (VOC) led Trail Crew Leader and Rockwork clinics in Grand Valley
DAMB supports Delta County trail assessment grant application and subsequent inventory work via $100K grant award.
MUT Spring Creek Connector trails completed.
Hawkeye Trail completed in Kokopelli trail system
DAMB chapter receives REI and matching BLM grants for Dominguez-Escalante Planning, holds public outreach Escalante Triangle kickoff event, and applies for CPW planning grant
GVC chapter - Palisade Plunge trail layout completed and NEPA work contracted in concert with BLM & Town of Palisade.
COPMOBA coordinates review and comment for the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, Gunnison National Forest (GMUG) forest management plan revision.
Lunch Loop Bike-park improvements completed
County Line Trail Connector completed on Grand Mesa
West-End Trail Maps #1 & #2 completed
Crane Lake Trail completed on Grand Mesa
Jumbo Mountain trail mapping completed
GVC - First to Third Flats trail project (Snakeskin & Second Thoughts trails) completed with motorized community partnership
Nucla Range Loops trail network completed
Paradox Trail re-route work completed
DAMB - Hotchkiss area trail network completed in partnership with Nature Connection & North Fork Recreation District
Palisade Plunge Environmental Assessment is completed and issued
GVC with City of Fruita begins North Fruita Desert (18 Road) network master planning process
GVC - Mack Ridge Connector trail and Riverfront Trail Singletrack completed
GVC Chapter hosts CPW Trail Committee visit in Grand Valley with on-trail visits and discussions about COPMOBA organization and partnerships
DAMB - Confluence Park singletrack system completed
Lower Spring Creek Bridges and ramps installation completed through CPW grant funding (bridge delivery by helicopter) & volunteer construction
Smith Mountain Rally held in conjunction with City of Delta
Mack Ridge, Steve’s Reroute, Wrangler Extension & Lower Moore Fun completed in Kokopelli trail network
RAT applies for CPW planning grant for area-wide singletrack planning
MUT receives grant for Buzzard Gulch expansion evaluations
MUT receives BLM approval for up to 20 miles of trail construction at soon to be named “Electric Hills” network at Shavano Gateway Recreation Area
GVC - Monument Road connector trails completed
COPMOBA is key support for creation of Trails Coordinator role with Mesa County and begins guiding and serving on advisory council for the position
Signage completed and installed at County Line Trail network - Grand Mesa
E-bike access/advocacy position established through membership survey and board consideration
RAT receives CPW planning grant for Ouray County Trails Plan
Dakota Rim to Lower Spring Creek Trailhead connector trail completed
MUT Chapter applies for CPW construction grant for Electric Hills construction and completes 1.1 miles of trail via volunteer construction
DAMB - Confluence trails signage installed
DAMB - Crossroad Trails Bike-Park construction & signage completed (Hotchkiss)
Lunch Loop Trailhead improvements and “You are Here” signage completed
GVC chapter implements GIS-based trail maintenance monitoring pilot program
GVC supports trail and trailhead expansion work by BLM at North Fruita Desert
Connector trails between Palisade Plunge and Palisade Rim Trail completed
Palisade Plunge Trail - Phase 1 is completed (lower half of route)
County Line network to Skyway network connector trail completed - Grand Mesa
Palisade Plunge Trail - Phase 2 and full project is completed & Grand Opening event held at Town of Palisade!
RAT drafts conceptual trail plan from Ouray County Trails Planning outreach
Dropoff Connector trail completed - Grand Mesa
Ouray County Trail Plan is completed and submitted to CPW
GVC initiates Kokopelli network expansion planning public outreach
GVC initiates trail ambassador pilot program
Electric Hills efforts yield 4.4 miles of volunteer trail completed
North Fruita Desert Master Plan - BLM’s Environmental Assessment Record of Decision is completed and issued. Construction may begin on system improvements
Gunnison Bluffs / Old Spanish Trail - planning support, and completion of signage creation and installation
Electric Hill CPW construction grant awarded
COPMOBA joins Colorado Mountain Bike Coalition, an assemblage of trail access organizations focused on mountain bike trail advocacy at the state level
MUT initiates revamp proposal of Cerro Summit system to create bike-park format
Planning for Crew Leader Training programs and Chainsaw Training program, to address key shortage affecting maintenance and construction needs
MUT targeting completion of Electric Hills trail system and improvements at Cerro Summit
GVC in conjunction with partners is targeting construction activities at North Fruita Desert in support of Master Plan build-out
Enhanced focus on system maintenance needs and planning overall
Issued 2022 Annual Report
COPMOBA launches brand all new website
Organization Strategic Plan implementation!
RAT Chapter applied for CPW’s 2024 Non-Motorized Trail Construction Grant
RAT Chapter awarded CPW’s 2024 Non-Motorized Trail Construction Grant. Construction on five new miles of trail began in July 2024 and most of the trails are now completed and open to trail users
GVC rebrands with new name “Grand Valley Trails” and new logo
DAMB Chapter hosts community get together to seek new leadership to reinvigorate focus on building Smith Mountain Trail network
RAT Race continues on it’s momentum of becoming a premier race on the western slope
GVT supported trail expansion at 18 Road and Kokopelli, including the groundbreaking of the K2 Play trail in honor of Kristina Kittleson
GVT and MOU in place with the City of GJ to update the Lunch Loops Bike Park
MUT and the BLM completed maintenance at Electric Hills and Buzzard Gulch
GVT and the City of GJ partner on the Matchett Park bike park
DAMB Chapter has 3 new chapter members taking the lead on plans to move the Smith Mountain Project forward
Issued 2024 Annual Report
DAMB begins fundraising for Smith Mountain Project