Mark your calendars for the first ever race at Electric Hills on May 17th, 2025!
With distances of 13ish and 19ish miles, this race is perfect for the whole family. Stay tuned for course maps, classes and registration info coming soon! We will also be looking for volunteers if you aren't interested in racing but would still like to be involved. The Electric Hills Race is hosted by MUT (Montrose Uncompahgre Trails), a chapter of Colorado Plateau Mountain Bike Trail Association (COPMOBA), a 501c3 nonprofit organization that advocates for mountain biking in western Colorado by building and maintaining sustainable singletrack.
REGISTRATION | Rider & Course Info | FAQ

Registration INFORMATION
Registration Fees
Information coming soon!
We will be looking for volunteers for this event, stay tuned for more information.
With distances of 13ish and 19ish miles, this race is perfect for the whole family.
Race Categories:
coming soon!
2025 Race Course:
coming soon!
Plate Pick up:
Race Map:
THE Electric Hills Race is supported by:
Electric Hills Race FAQ
The first annual race will be Saturday, May 17, 2025.