Nick Patrick / Yeti Nest Films

Colorado Plateau Mountain Bike Trail Association
COPMOBA is a member-supported nonprofit organization of volunteer mountain bikers that advocate for mountain biking trails in western Colorado by building and maintaining sustainable singletrack in connection with our communities. Support COPMOBA by becoming a member today.
COPMOBA was founded in 1989 by a group of adventurous riders with a deep appreciation for the natural beauty of Western Colorado. Learn more about COPMOBA's history. Today, COPMOBA continues to build and maintain trails that celebrate the joy of mountain biking in this region. Learn more about COPMOBA.
COPMOBA has four active chapters on the Western Slope: Grand Valley Trails, Delta Area Mountain Bikers, Montrose Uncompahgre Trails and Ridgway Area Trails.
Grand Valley Trails
Delta Area Mountain Bikers
Montrose Uncompahgre Trails
Ridgway Area Trails
Photos (left to right) Casey Sande, Joey Early, Alicia Plantz and Devon Pia.
a taste of our trails
Video by Joey Coleman / Dirt Mermaids
Recent Chapter Highlights